Retired and career-break professionals
LawRight primarily works with law firms and in-house legal units, but we welcome individual lawyers who wish to volunteer at LawRight during business hours.
Retired and career break solicitors
We welcome retired and career break practitioners who wish to volunteer at LawRight and can provide their knowledge, skills and experience to assist disadvantaged Queenslanders, and to mentor students.
Retired practitioners can obtain a volunteer practising certificate from the QLS at no cost, so long as they volunteer through a CLC such as LawRight. Our professional indemnity insurance and volunteer insurance covers lawyers who volunteer with LawRight.
If you would like to assist LawRight by doing pro bono legal work at your firm or chambers (rather than volunteering at LawRight) you may wish to become a member.
Volunteering outside business hours
If you are seeking volunteering opportunities outside business hours, we suggest you contact:
- Community Legal Centre Volunteers » – National Website for volunteering at community legal centres (
- Community Legal Centres Queensland (CLCs QLD) » – for opportunities across Queensland community legal centres (
- Caxton Legal Centre » – The largest generalist community legal centre in Brisbane (