
LawRight members support access to justice by:

  • taking pro bono referrals
  • supporting direct services such as the Community & Health Justice Partnerships, Court & Tribunal Services and more
  • providing financial support to LawRight through membership fees to help make pro bono sustainable, targeted and effective.

Once you join, you can determine what your pro bono contribution will be, if any. Joining does not create an obligation to do work.

Information about Membership

LawRight offers several categories of Membership, including

  • Barristers;
  • Firms & ILPs;
  • Government & Corporate Legal Units; and
  • Associate Members.

Click on the links below for more information.

Become a LawRight Member

To join as a member of LawRight, regardless of category, please download, fill out and return the membership application form with payment. We will then organise for your membership to be formally approved by our management committee.

If you have any questions about how membership works, please call us on 3846 6317 or email

Renew your LawRight Membership

LawRight Membership is paid annually by financial year. To renew your Membership, please choose the relevant payment page below. Please note we have changed to a new membership platform and unfortunately no longer offer recurring membership payments.

If you have any questions about your current Membership payments or status, please call us on 3846 6317 or email

Renew Membership - BarristersRenew Membership - Firms & ILPsRenew Membership - Legal Units

For all other membership types, please email us at and we will arrange an invoice for you. 

Notice to members: LawRight has public liability insurance to the amount of $20,000,000.

Thank you to our existing members

Member Law Firms

Government legal unit & Corporate members

Crown Law, Department of Justice and Attorney-General

AECOM Australia Pty Ltd

Member Barristers

The Hon Roslyn Atkinson AO, Management Committee Member

Senior Counsel

Andrew Crowe KC
Damien O’Brien KC
Dan O’Gorman SC
David de Jersey KC
Douglas Campbell KC
Douglas Savage KC
Mal Varitimos KC
Michael Hodge KC
Nitra Kidson KC
Patrick Cullinane KC
Peter Franco KC
Peter Hastie KC
Roger Traves KC
Rowan Jackson KC
Stephen Keim SC

Ahmed Fokruddin
Alexander McKinnon
Anastasia Nicholas
Dr Andrew Greinke
Andrew Stumer
Angus O’Brien
Anna Cappellano
Anthony Anderson
Ben Gardiner
Benedict Coyne
Benjamin Kidston
Benjamin McMillan
Benjamin O’Sullivan
Benjamin Wilson
Bianca Mendelson
Brent Reading
Bridget O’Brien
Bruce Wacker
Carla Klease
Catherine Chiang
Charles Wilson
Chris Curtis
Christopher Duplock
Christopher George
Claire Schneider
Clare Dart
Clare O’Connor
Danielle Tay
Damien Payard
Deacon Johnston
Duncan Marckwald
Emma Fitzgerald
Emma Hoiberg
Evan Mijo
Felicity Wood
Florence Chen
Frank Maconi
Gabriel Perry
Gavin Handran
Grace Devereaux
Graham Dietz
Hamish Clift
Hannah Lilley
Heath Berghofer
Helena Meyers-Nicolas
Iris Gajic-Pavlica
Jade Marr
James Ford
James O’Regan
Jane Menzies
Jason Dudley
Jason Mitchenson
Jayleigh Sargent
Jing-Yu (Jason) Wang
John Cahill

Member Barristers (cont.)

John Faulkner
Joshua Morris
Joshua Sproule
Jozef Borja-Erece
Judy Brien
Julene Winn
Justin Byrne
Justin Carter
Kara Thomson
Karen Gaston
Kate Fuller
Kim Forrester
Laura Dawson
Lauren Gamble
Lee Clark
Leonid Sheptooha
Lisa Ashley
Louise Kruger
Madeline Rodgers
Margaret Forrest
Mark Steele
Matthew Coe
Matthew Jones
Matthew Paterson
Maxwell Walker
Mei Barnes
Michael May
Michael Maynard
Michael Murray
Michael Thomson
Ming Gu
Mitch Rawlings
Morgan Clarke
Nathan Laing
Nola Pearce
Paul Carasco
Paul O’Brien
Pav Zielinski
Philippa Ahern
Rachel De Luchi
Rachel Hew
Rebekah Bassano
Reimen Hii
Renae Kirk
Robert Gallo
Dr Robert Lake
Robert Quirk
Robert (Bob) Reed
Rowan Pack
Ryan Nattrass
Sally Robb
Samantha Amos
Samuel Walpole
Sarah Spottiswood
Scott Carter
Sean Russell
Seraphina Noble
Shane Ogden
Shireen Long
Stephanie Philippou
Stephen Colditz
Dr Stephen Lee
Steven Hogg
Stewart Webster
Storm Scarlett
Susan Hedge
Thomas Jackson
Thomas Pincus
Timothy Stork
Toby Nielsen
Tristan Pagliano
Troy Newman
William Evans
William Hall
William LeMass
Zoe Brereton

Specified members

Bar Association of Queensland Inc
Queensland Law Society

Associate members

Griffith University Law School
Bond University, Faculty of Law
Queensland University of Technology Law School
TC Beirne School of Law, The University of Queensland
James Cook University School of Law

Life members

Andrew Buchanan
Hugh Scott-Mackenzie
Joanne Rennick
Lucy Bretherton
Peter Rosengren
Robert Reed
Simon Cleary
Tony Woodyatt