BJ's Story

BJ’s Story

Victims of Violence

BJ was abused by his stepfather and wanted to amend his birth certificate, to remove his perpetrator’s name and relist his biological father, who had long since passed away. Pro bono lawyers helped achieve this crucial step in BJ’s healing process.

“I would just like to say a very big thank you for all of your help with my husband’s estate. The lawyers were… so very very kind and I am so very grateful to you all for helping put this matter behind me now and moving on with my life. Speaking with them just made such a difference to me!

I think you are all an amazing bunch of people doing the work that you do!! Thank you once again for your kindness.”

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Mary's Story

Mary’s Story

Refugee Rights

Mary is a single mother and English is not her first language. Mary needed to work to support her child but could not afford childcare – she was not considered a resident and therefore ineligible for the government childcare subsidy.

Mary’s application for an exemption to the residency requirement under hardship provisions was rejected. A member firm helped Mary have the decision reviewed and Mary is now eligible for the childcare subsidy.

Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.

Aki's Story

Aki’s Story

Disability Rights

Aki lives with a life-limiting disability, requiring her to use a wheelchair and minimise her exposure to infection – she only leaves her home for medical appointments.

Aki’s public housing was no longer suitable for her daily needs, and a disability report recommended she be approved for single occupancy accommodation with wheelchair access. The report further stated she is unable to live with others due to the significant risk of infection, mental health risks as well as privacy and dignity considerations.

The NDIA refused to provide funding for Aki to move to suitable accommodation. A member firm helped Aki appeal to the AAT, where the necessary funding was approved at last.

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