
Coroners are responsible for investigating reportable deaths under the Coroners Act 2003 (Qld). The role of a coroner is to determine the identity of the deceased person, when, where, and how they died as well as the medical cause of death. A coroner can hold an inquest into a person’s death and make recommendations. These recommendations are focused on attempting to prevent similar deaths in the future rather than laying blame or assigning liability for the death.

LawRight factsheets

External resources

Where to go for help

  • The Queensland Coronial Legal Service is is a statewide service provided by Caxton Legal Centre and Townsville Community Law Inc.  The Queensland Coronial Legal provides legal advice about any aspect of the coronial process, can provide representation for bereaved family members appearing in some inquests when the matter fits within its case work guidelines and can help families connect with support services.  You can make an appointment for advice by contacting Caxton Legal Centre on (07) 3214 6333 or Townsville Community Law on (07) 4721 5511. For more information, please click here.
  • You may wish to approach a community legal centre for assistance. To find your nearest community legal centre, please visit the Community Legal Centres Queensland website at There are a number of community legal centres throughout Queensland that hold regular advice sessions.


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