Employment law is concerned with the relationship between employers and employees, and covers a number of areas including employment contracts, claims based in tort or on a breach of contract, protection from discrimination, health and safety and a number of statutory regulations. Strict time limits apply in employment law claims, and you should seek advice as soon as possible.
LawRight factsheets
- General protections claims in the Federal Circuit Court
- Unpaid entitlements claims in the Federal Circuit and Family Court
Resources from other organisations
- ‘Have you lost your job?’ Legal self help kit – Caxton Legal Centre Inc
- Employment law and your rights – Legal Aid Queensland
- Industrial Relations Act 1999 (Qld) – Queensland legislation governing Industrial Relations law in Queensland.
- Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) – Commonwealth legislation governing employer/employee relationships.
- Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld) – Queensland legislation covering the health, welfare and safety of all workers at work.
Where to go for help
- LawRight is an independent, not-for-profit, community-based legal organisation that operates a civil law referral service for pro bono legal representation and direct legal services for particular disadvantaged client groups. LawRight can offer legal advice and assistance to people involved in certain civil proceedings in the Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court. LawRight cannot usually act as a legal representative, but assists people to represent themselves in court proceedings. For more information about the help available and to apply for help, please see the LawRight website.
- Legal Aid Employment Law Service – Legal Aid Queensland has an Employment Law Service which provides free advice by telephone appointment, and in some instances, also provides legal representation in conciliation and hearing in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) or Fair Work Commission (FWC). Even though you can represent yourself if you apply to the QIRC or FWC, if you feel that you require advice or assistance, you can contact the Legal Aid Employment Law Service on 1300 65 11 88.
- Caxton Legal Centre Inc – The Caxton Legal Centre has an Employment Legal Service which can provide information. However, this is an area of high demand and does not receive funding.
- WorkSafe.qld.gov.au – Workplace Health and Safety Queensland can receive and address written or verbal complaints about workplace health and safety issues.
- Industrial Court of Queensland and Queensland Industrial Relations Commission – The Industrial Court of Queensland and Queensland Industrial Relations Commission deals with industrial relations matter relevant to the Queensland public sector and local government workers. These bodies also deal with other employment related legislation.
- Fair Work Commission (Commonwealth) – The Fair Work Commission is the national workplace relations commission. It is an independent body with power to carry out a range of functions relating to the safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions, enterprise bargaining, industrial action, dispute resolution, termination of employment and other workplace matters.
- Fair Work Ombudsman (Commonwealth) – The Fair Work Ombudsman investigates workplace complaints and enforces compliance with Australia’s workplace laws.
- Office of Industrial Relations, Queensland Government – The Office of Industrial Relations provides information about employment issues arising for those employees covered by the Queensland workplace relations system.
- Community Legal Centres Queensland – You may wish to approach a community legal centre for assistance. To find your nearest community legal centre, please go to Find Legal Help on the Community Legal Centres Queensland website. There are a number of community legal centres throughout Queensland that hold regular advice sessions.