Anna’s Story
Restoring Survivor’s Rights and Confidence
LawRight first met Anna at a community centre, but she was reluctant to engage with us, having fled a violent relationship where she felt let down by the system, the police and other supports. She only spoke with LawRight lawyers because a close friend vouched for us.
Anna’s legal matter was complex. She faced financial issues connected to her experience of violence and wanted to access victim support but was hesitant. Working closely with our volunteer lawyers and financial counsellor over many months, Anna applied to Victim Assist and accessed $10,000 support. Over the same period, the financial counsellor empowered and educated Anna on her financial rights. Together they resolved various debts impacting Anna’s life. After building a relationship of trust, Anna began reaching out for advice before making big financial decisions. Anna is now living and working independently.
“I was in such a vulnerable state when I was first linked in with LawRight. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you have all played such an immense part in changing my life for the better and thank you so much for acknowledging the pain and suffering I had endured and by assisting me with not only my victims assist application but with improving my life.
I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t met you and without your guidance, patience, and utter kindness. When I was first linked in with LawRight, I was lost, broken, and felt beaten and defeated. I gave up in life and could have ended up in a dark place. You provided support and understanding and helped me to pick myself up again and continue fighting. You not only assisted me with my victim assist application which I would never have been able to submit on my own due to the complexity and trauma associated with it but you also assisted me in so many other aspects which from the trauma had a ripple effect for i.e., especially my finances after I had a car crash had spiralled out of control.”
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