Jai's Story

Jai’s Story

Unpaid Wages Leading to Volunteering

Jai wanted to recover four years of unpaid wages from her employer. Staff and pro bono lawyers helped Jai calculate her loss, draft and lodge her claim and prepare all the documents needed at each stage of the proceedings. She was able to settle the dispute at the conciliation conference and move on.

Time with the legal professionals was invaluable and contributed to the opportunity to win my case and rewrite my history”.

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Joseph's Story

Joseph’s Story

Joseph had a defence to the debt claim brought against him in the Magistrates Court, however he wasn’t made aware of the hearing date and a default judgement was made. When the creditor then petitioned for his bankruptcy, Joseph got advice from our Federal Courts office about how to set aside the default judgement but he was so overwhelmed by his money, personal and health troubles that he delayed taking action and a sequestration order was made. LawRight kept helping Joseph and, together with our Magistrates Court pilot service, he prepared evidence of his defence to the default judgement and the sequestration order was overturned on review.

Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.

Natalie's Story

Natalie's Story

Federal Court Services

Natalie’s disabilities prevented her from accessing a business and she brought a disability discrimination complaint in the Federal Courts after she couldn’t resolve her concerns through a Australian Human Rights Commission conciliation. Through several appointments, LawRight volunteers helped Natalie draft her originating application, affidavit, and a statement of claim. Her strong case elicited an early offer to settle and LawRight guided Natalie’s negotiations so that the matter was resolved without extensive litigation.

“I think this is a service that is needed, particularly by people such as myself who are unable to afford solicitors’ costs. The service meant that I was able to get justice within the system. I would not have been able to get any result otherwise. The other party in the case continually said that I would not win my case, expressing that they had more money on several occasions, this service ensured that I was able to reach a solution in my favour.”

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