Flood Forum Story
Flood Forum Story
Emergency Funding
LawRight was one of five Community Legal Centres that, together with Legal Aid Queensland, received three months of emergency funds in April 2022. This funding was extended in July 2022 by the Department of Justice and Attorney-General and augmented by the new federal government’s October 2022 budget.
Bill Mitchell, Principal Solicitor at Townsville Community Law, has been providing and researching disaster legal response since the 1990s and recently noted the following about LawRight to a sector flood forum:
“[LawRight] have always been a fantastic partner, have always very supportive of us and helping find connections. Well set to make connections between you, your client and lawyers with more capacity to help. So this is the time they really come into their own (not to make it sound like they’re not busy the rest of the time) so make use of those connections.”
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Tara's Story
Tara’s Story
From Crisis to Capability
Teenager Tara had no trusted and responsible adults to turn to. When she had to vacate her regional student rental to access treatment and rehabilitation at the Mater, the landlord (who had been advised of her circumstances) demanded additional rent and issued a breach notice. LawRight’s Mater Health Justice Partnership negotiated the withdrawal of the breach notice, waiver of the remaining rent, the return of the bond and the reinstatement of Tara’s clean rental record.
After learning to trust us, Tara disclosed a history of sexual abuse. We helped her apply to Victim Assist and linked her with Mater clinicians to provide trauma support and counselling. Tara reached out to resolve a driving offence and we helped her self- advocate. Her fine was downgraded to a caution.
When Tara was impacted by the 2022 floods and couldn’t access disaster payments, she reached out to LawRight again and we linked her with our Financial Counsellor. Together, they are building Tara’s financial literacy, increasing her resilience and helping Tara access her entitlements.
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
BJ's Story
BJ’s Story
Victims of Violence
BJ was abused by his stepfather and wanted to amend his birth certificate, to remove his perpetrator’s name and relist his biological father, who had long since passed away. Pro bono lawyers helped achieve this crucial step in BJ’s healing process.
“I would just like to say a very big thank you for all of your help with my husband’s estate. The lawyers were… so very very kind and I am so very grateful to you all for helping put this matter behind me now and moving on with my life. Speaking with them just made such a difference to me!
I think you are all an amazing bunch of people doing the work that you do!! Thank you once again for your kindness.”
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Mary's Story
Mary’s Story
Refugee Rights
Mary is a single mother and English is not her first language. Mary needed to work to support her child but could not afford childcare – she was not considered a resident and therefore ineligible for the government childcare subsidy.
Mary’s application for an exemption to the residency requirement under hardship provisions was rejected. A member firm helped Mary have the decision reviewed and Mary is now eligible for the childcare subsidy.
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Aki's Story
Aki’s Story
Disability Rights
Aki lives with a life-limiting disability, requiring her to use a wheelchair and minimise her exposure to infection – she only leaves her home for medical appointments.
Aki’s public housing was no longer suitable for her daily needs, and a disability report recommended she be approved for single occupancy accommodation with wheelchair access. The report further stated she is unable to live with others due to the significant risk of infection, mental health risks as well as privacy and dignity considerations.
The NDIA refused to provide funding for Aki to move to suitable accommodation. A member firm helped Aki appeal to the AAT, where the necessary funding was approved at last.
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Sam's Story
Sam’s Story
From Homelessness to Law Student
LawRight helped Sam with advice about his fines and helped him to resolve them. When Sam wanted to apply to university, LawRight helped him enrol by drafting statutory declarations explaining his unique circumstances. Since working with LawRight and the Brisbane Youth Service, Sam has commenced studying law and is about to complete the first year of his degree.
“Thanks to the help of LawRight I remain without a criminal record and no outstanding debt. I am very pleased with the help I got and am very grateful.”
– Sam (he consented to his real name being used).
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Lana's Story
Lana’s Story
Young Victims of Violence
Lana was pregnant and struggling financially. Pro bono lawyers helped her resolve almost $10,000 of debt and Lana used her new knowledge about her rights to advocate for other credit waivers. Lana then disclosed a history of domestic and other violence and we helped her access financial assistance from Victim Assist.
When Lana gave birth, she was still homeless and at risk of the baby being removed. LawRight collaborated with the youth workers to help Lana safely connect with her family for support and then move into safe independent accommodation. We are still supporting her precarious but courageous journey to stability.
“My young person [Lana] was not able to work towards any of their goals due to the stress imparted by their debts. LawRight supported both myself and the young person to navigate these debts, in addition to other tenancy related matters. “
– Brisbane Youth Service worker
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Anna's Story
Anna’s Story
Restoring Survivor’s Rights and Confidence
LawRight first met Anna at a community centre, but she was reluctant to engage with us, having fled a violent relationship where she felt let down by the system, the police and other supports. She only spoke with LawRight lawyers because a close friend vouched for us.
Anna’s legal matter was complex. She faced financial issues connected to her experience of violence and wanted to access victim support but was hesitant. Working closely with our volunteer lawyers and financial counsellor over many months, Anna applied to Victim Assist and accessed $10,000 support. Over the same period, the financial counsellor empowered and educated Anna on her financial rights. Together they resolved various debts impacting Anna’s life. After building a relationship of trust, Anna began reaching out for advice before making big financial decisions. Anna is now living and working independently.
“I was in such a vulnerable state when I was first linked in with LawRight. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, you have all played such an immense part in changing my life for the better and thank you so much for acknowledging the pain and suffering I had endured and by assisting me with not only my victims assist application but with improving my life.
I know I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t met you and without your guidance, patience, and utter kindness. When I was first linked in with LawRight, I was lost, broken, and felt beaten and defeated. I gave up in life and could have ended up in a dark place. You provided support and understanding and helped me to pick myself up again and continue fighting. You not only assisted me with my victim assist application which I would never have been able to submit on my own due to the complexity and trauma associated with it but you also assisted me in so many other aspects which from the trauma had a ripple effect for i.e., especially my finances after I had a car crash had spiralled out of control.”
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.
Jane's Story
Jane’s Story
Ending the Domestic Violence Downward Spiral
Victims of long-term domestic violence with limited resources frequently spiral downwards and become involved in crime, as part of the cycle of abuse. Although Jane (together with her new baby) was eventually placed in custody, her spiral didn’t end there – now she had no capacity to make repayments on her many crisis “payday” loans and no control over how her property was used.
Jane knew she had debts but didn’t know what they were or how to manage them but was cautious about the LawRight financial counsellor who visited the Correctional Centre each fortnight. The other prisoners encouraged her to connect.
At her first appointment, Jane was shocked to learn that while she was in prison, her ex-partner had driven her car and incurred $6,000 of speeding fines in her name as well as a 6-month licence suspension. If Jane had driven her car on release, it would breach her parole and she’d be returned to prison.
Over many appointments Jane had the fines withdrawn and re-issued to the actual driver, which also lifted the suspension on her licence. LawRight also worked with Jane to resolve an additional $3,000 in other fines and $15,000 in crippling debts.
Over many months, the financial counsellor also increased Jane’s financial literacy and her understanding of her rights and entitlements. Jane learnt to budget and track her spending.
On release, Jane secured safe accommodation for her small family – housing that was only affordable and sustainable because her debts had been resolved. LawRight continues to support Jane – now firmly on her upwards spiral!
“I would like to say thank you so much for all of your help with my financial struggles if I didn’t have, you’re help I don’t know if I would have been able to get back into my feet. You went out of your way to help me resolve any issues with the department of transport and so much more I really appreciate everything you have done for me it has really made a lot of things so much easier for me to get my life back on track.”
Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.