Elaine's Story

Elaine’s Story

Elaine is a single mum who lost her job and her housing unexpectedly, had to put her belongings into storage and was using 85% of her income for emergency accommodation. Debt collectors harassed her, and she struggled with basic necessities. LawRight staff and pro bono lawyers helped Elaine resolve over $3,500 worth of debt and had $1,000 of her storage costs waived. LawRight’s financial counsellor helped Elaine enter a fairer plan to repay her fines and she is now safe in public housing. We continue to help her.

Elaine wrote and told us the story in her own words:

“I dont know how to say it without tears. My life was a struggle… I had no one to turn to… I lost my job and got kicked out of the unit with my [child]… We were on the streets. [They] missed school and I was struggling with… panic attacks. Couldnt afford my medications coz the little I had was going into fuel and food for my [child]. I was in the dark trying my best but still couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel until Micah Project got involved. They found us a place and not long after I get a call from LawRight. They well explained what they do and booked us for a longer meeting on the phone. From there my life changed. They helped me with everything that I couldn’t do on my own. They called to see if I was OK and was ready to help me sort my bad situations. Thank you… my [child] and I are living stress free from the work you did for us. I thank you so much and appreciate everything you have done for us. You saved us.”

Copyright © 2023 LawRight, All rights reserved.

Asha's Story

Asha’s Story

Asha is a single mother of five children who was at risk of being evicted into homelessness from her rental property. Staff and pro bono lawyers worked closely with Asha’s community support team to prepare for her tribunal hearing: drafting submissions, speaking notes, and providing advice on negotiations with the housing provider. Ultimately, the parties settled the dispute and Asha was able to stay.

“LawRight provided an invaluable service to our shared client. They took the time to understand the client’s goals and values and went above and beyond in assisting the client to prepare for a daunting QCAT Hearing. They also took the time to ensure that I had an in depth understanding of their work, enabling me to pass information on to other clients in similar positions. LawRight was instrumental in the client achieving a fantastic outcome and they have been a wonderful organisation to work alongside.”

– Kyabra community housing worker

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